[MAP/FS] Sf Docks Stunting Area/longue - Printable Version
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[MAP/FS] Sf Docks Stunting Area/longue -
Willie498 - 28.06.2009
Hey Guys, Willie498 Here To release my first map, Took me about 1-2 hours to make, But I think it turned out pretty good. Please no "DUDE THAT SUCKS MAN!" It's my first map, so gimme a chance here. Hope you like!
Re: [MAP/FS] Sf Docks Stunting Area/longue -
shady91 - 28.06.2009
not a bad map mate this your first one ?? maybe add some more then people would love it.

i like it tho.
Re: [MAP/FS] Sf Docks Stunting Area/longue -
Fresh9884 - 28.06.2009
good for a first map
Re: [MAP/FS] Sf Docks Stunting Area/longue -
Willie498 - 28.06.2009
Yeah I'm thinking about it, And I thought that it did turn out great also, Thanks!
Re: [MAP/FS] Sf Docks Stunting Area/longue -
shady91 - 28.06.2009
yeah i think you should add like some hidden houses or sum thing as people might liek that. make it like your own crazy style its better that way
Re: [MAP/FS] Sf Docks Stunting Area/longue -
Willie498 - 28.06.2009
Good suggestion Thanks =)
Re: [MAP/FS] Sf Docks Stunting Area/longue -
shady91 - 28.06.2009
you look new to forums only 8 post and mapping this well mate not bad wish i was that good back then lol
Re: [MAP/FS] Sf Docks Stunting Area/longue -
Willie498 - 28.06.2009
Lol thankx alot man! It took some time for me to lay it out, but it wasn't that hard really, Just takes time and what goes where and fits where, but otherwise yeah, It was reasonably easy.
Re: [MAP/FS] Sf Docks Stunting Area/longue -
gearknight - 28.06.2009
good job
Re: [MAP/FS] Sf Docks Stunting Area/longue -
Willie498 - 28.06.2009
Thanks! Don't forget to check out my chilliad house also that i made