Need a Script -
Allu - 24.06.2009
Ok,Can someone give/write me a script,what open a gate with a command? And close it with a same command? And if u open a gate then it displays a text: [Name] opened a gate with a remote. Closing: [Name] closed a gate with a remote.
Re: Need a Script -
NigNog1 - 24.06.2009
I recall seeing one or two in the script showroom. Try having a search around.
Re: Need a Script -
Allu - 24.06.2009
I want to open and close a gate with a same command. This one i didnt see :S
Re: Need a Script -
Stah - 24.06.2009
Put this right on top of the script , with the other new's
put this code within OnGameModeInit
pawn Код:
Gate = CreateObject (modelid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ);
GateInfo = 0;
put this command in OnPlayerCommandText
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/togglegate", true) == 0)
if(GateInfo == 0)// if the gate is closed
MoveObject(Gate, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ); // then move the gate here.
GateInfo = 1; // gate is open
new string[128];
new playername[360];
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s Opened The Gate.",playername);
if(GateInfo == 1)// else, if the gate is open
MoveObject(Gate, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ); // then move the gate here.
GateInfo = 0; // gate is closed
new string[128];
new playername[360];
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s Closed The Gate.",playername);
I left some comments, so you understand what your doing.
Re: Need a Script -
Allu - 24.06.2009
Something is wrong there,when i write the command,then it displays at same time:
[Name]has opened the gate.
[Name]has closed the gate.
And Nothing happens.
Re: Need a Script -
Stah - 24.06.2009
Sorry about that. Here try this
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/togglegate", true) == 0)
if(GateInfo == 0)// if the gate is closed
MoveObject(Gate, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ); // then move the gate here.
GateInfo = 1; // gate is open
new string[128];
new playername[360];
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s Opened The Gate.",playername);
else// else, if the gate is open
MoveObject(Gate, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ); // then move the gate here.
GateInfo = 0; // gate is closed
new string[128];
new playername[360];
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s Closed The Gate.",playername);
return 1;
Re: Need a Script -
Allu - 25.06.2009
Now it stopped spamming,but the gate still doesn't move.
Re: Need a Script -
dice7 - 25.06.2009
Because move object has these parameters
pawn Код:
MoveObject(Gate, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:Speed);
And have you changed the Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z with actual coordinates or not ? And speed can be anything, but give it 10-15 or something
Re: Need a Script -
Abernethy - 25.06.2009
Make speed, 2.00 for gates.
Re: Need a Script -
Allu - 25.06.2009
If i delete the FloatR-s then the pawno will give me expected token errors.