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How to edit player/job colours - Printable Version

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How to edit player/job colours - Chivava - 22.06.2009

Hello, i got something like this:

#define COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA
But how do i edit the color to another red without getting errors ? i mean where can i find the code i need to put in ?

And how do i change the job colour because i tried to change officers colours but still the same colours
looks like this :
#define TEAM_POLICE_COLOR 0x0000EE
I want to make it navy blue

Btw, thanks for the help.

Re: How to edit player/job colours - Grim_ - 22.06.2009

Pick the color shade you like, and look at the code in the box. First when you make the define, do this
pawn Код:
#define COLOR_POLICE 0x
The, take the code from the box, without the "#". So, it'll be six numbers. Copy and paste them ont the code we have already, so it could look like:
pawn Код:
(( Just an example ))
Then, for the final step, add "FF" to the end of the define, and that'll be all. So it might end up like this:
pawn Код:

Re: How to edit player/job colours - Chivava - 22.06.2009

Ok thanks what about this one :

0xAA3333AA ?
do i just need to edit the AA3333 to another or ?
and what about this one ? 0x01FCFFC8

Re: How to edit player/job colours - Grim_ - 22.06.2009

yes, just edit the AA333333 for a better shade you like.

Re: How to edit player/job colours - Chivava - 22.06.2009

What about the 0x01FCFFC8 ?? Just edit the 01FCFFC ?? or 01FCFF ?

Re: How to edit player/job colours - Grim_ - 22.06.2009

Just the 01FCFF .

Re: How to edit player/job colours - Chivava - 22.06.2009

Ok, so allways leave the two last letters/numbers in the end of the code ?
btw thanks dude