[FS] Tacomaker In Game Object Editor V1.1 -
toccovender - 20.06.2009
My brand new in-game object editor, loaded with commands.
Special features: players can edit objects without interrupting other players objects, a players camera is always focused on the currently selected object, unless they stop editing/deselect it, you can use the arrow keys to edit the objects pos/rot or you can edit the object with text commands, you can set the absolute position of the object with text as well as moving it a selected increment, there's probably more stuff, but i forgot about it because I've been working on this for a while.
In-Game object search! search through the entire SA-MP object list to find objects that you need,
just use /objsearch [search term] and it will print out a list of all object names containing your search term.
Just put the .amx in to your "filterscripts" directory, then go into the server.cfg file and put "ObjectEditor" in your filterscript list, or when you are in game, log into RCon and use RCon command /rcon loadfs ObjectEditor if you plan to use the /objsearch function, you need to down load the objlist.txt file and put it into your scriptifiles directory.
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/newobj [model id] [object description (for later use)] - creates a new object and attaches it to you.
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/detach (no parameters) - detaches the currently selected object from you, if it is attached.
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/attach (no parameters) - attaches the currently selected object to you.
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/dupobj (no parameters) - duplicates the currently selected object.
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/stopediting (no parameters) - deselects the currently selected objec.
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/objlist (no parameters) - gives you a list of all objects created with tacomaker during the current session, giving you the object id, model id, and description of the object.
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/editobj [object id] - selects an object by object id.
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/editinc [any number] - sets the increment(distance) that the selected object will move when you move it with your arrow keys or by text command.
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/mode [XY, Z, R_XY, or R_Z] - sets the mode that you will be editing by with the arrow keys, XY: position on the x and y axist, Z:
position on the z axis, R_XY: rotation of the X and Y axis, R_Z: rotation of the Z axis.
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/delobj (no parameters) - deletes the currently selected object.
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/saveobj (no parameters) - saves the currently selected object in Pawno format to /savedobjects.txt, if the file doesn't exist, it will be created before saving.
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/moveobjtome (no parameters) - moves the currently selected object to your location.
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/setobjx [any number] - sets the objects position on the x axis to the specified number.
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/setobjy [any number] - sets the objects position on the y axis to the specified number.
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/setobjz [any number] - sets the objects position on the z axis to the specified number.
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/setobjrx [any number] - sets the objects rotation on the x axis to the specified number.
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/setobjry [any number] - sets the objects rotation on the y axis to the specified number.
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/setobjrz [any number] - sets the objects rotation on the z axis to the specified number.
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/x [any number] - moves the currently selected object plus the specified number on the x axis (use a negative number if you would like to move the object backwards).
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/y [any number] - moves the currently selected object plus the specified number on the y axis (use a negative number if you would like to move the object backwards).
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/z [any number] - moves the currently selected object plus the specified number on the z axis (use a negative number if you would like to move the object down).
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/rx [any number] - rotates the currently selected object plus the specified number on the x axis (use a negative number if you would like to rotate the object backwards).
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/ry [any number] - rotates the currently selected object plus the specified number on the y axis (use a negative number if you would like to rotate the object backwards).
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/rz [any number] - rotates the currently selected object plus the specified number on the x axis (use a negative number if you would like to rotate the object backwards).
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Everything - toccovender
yes, i did all of this, give me some credit :P
Hope you guys like it, please tell me if i forgot anything/there are any errors
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Re: [FS] Tacomaker In Game Object Editor V1.0 -
AiVAMAN - 20.06.2009
Great! but I think there are lots of editors like yours..
Re: [FS] Tacomaker In Game Object Editor V1.0 -
XeoN_13 - 20.06.2009
nice name lol
Re: [FS] Tacomaker In Game Object Editor V1.0 -
Correlli - 20.06.2009
Sounds nice, i'll try it.
Re: [FS] Tacomaker In Game Object Editor V1.0 -
Jese - 20.06.2009
Originally Posted by Don Correlli
Sounds nice, i'll try it. 
Yep, me too.
Re: [FS] Tacomaker In Game Object Editor V1.0 -
toccovender - 20.06.2009
Originally Posted by ·٠•●°Alive°●•٠·
Great! but I think there are lots of editors like yours.. 
oh :P
i like making my own things thought, so i made this and decided to release it :P
Re: [FS] Tacomaker In Game Object Editor V1.0 -
Grim_ - 20.06.2009
It seems like it could get the job done, nice job!
Although..there are a ton of object editors out now :/
Re: [FS] Tacomaker In Game Object Editor V1.0 -
toccovender - 20.06.2009
thanks :P and yeah i guess that's true, but i like the feeling of knowing exactly what my script is doing, and knowing exactly what it's not working :P, but this one seems to be working good
Re: [FS] Tacomaker In Game Object Editor V1.0 -
SiJ - 20.06.2009
Originally Posted by ·٠•●°Alive°●•٠·
Great! but I think there are lots of editors like yours.. 
And many of them are bugged :P (don't know about this)
Re: [FS] Tacomaker In Game Object Editor V1.0 -
CJ101 - 20.06.2009
nice! Since most editors suck, maybe this one will be better!