about businesses - Printable Version
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about businesses -
WardenCS - 16.06.2009
hello,i got problem,i wanted to make biz to godfather edit,i edited the bizz and i wanted to make one biz i followed that thing what i found at samp wiki
0| = Id of owner 0 for nobody
The State| = Name of person who owns the biz. The State or no-one is for nobody owns them
Restaurant|= Name of biz
No-one| = Name of person thats the extorsion
1498.4170| = X position for if playeratpoint
-1584.2433|= Y position for if playeratpoint
13.5469| = Z position for if playeratpoint
0| = X Position for send playertopoint
0| = Y Position for send playertopoint
0| = Z Position for send playertopoint
5| = Havent figured out what this is yet.
50000| = Cost to buy biz.
76000| = Havent figured out what this is yet.
0| = Havent figured out what this is yet.
1| = Havent figured out what this is yet.
91| = Havent figured out what this is yet.
500| = Havent figured out what this is yet
100 = Havent figured out what this is yet.
i made biz like that
0|The State|Ten Green Bottles|No-one|2309.626708|-1645.382080|14.826999|501.980987|-69.150199|998.757812|5|5000000|0|0|0|0|99999|10000 0|1
but when i goed in,i just falled from sky in some farm,any help??i really need help thanks!
Re: about businesses -
Burridge - 16.06.2009
If this is godfather, ASK IN THE GODFATHER TOPIC!