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need help with original objects - Printable Version

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need help with original objects - WardenCS - 15.06.2009

hello,i got problem,my players go through original objects what isnt added by me,like gates and stuff those laterns and stuff,its veery

Re: need help with original objects - shark - 15.06.2009

Is the gamemode yours? Or the filterscripts?

Well, first of all, look for: (inside your gamemode)

This may will show this objects.. if won't, post your files (gamemode and filterscript) and maybe we can take a look!

Re: need help with original objects - dice7 - 15.06.2009

This happened to me a few times, when I had car spawns inside destructible gates

Re: need help with original objects - Moustafa - 15.06.2009

Hmm, maybe they're using hack? lol.. you mean everyone happens to him that? if so.. its from the script. if not, they're using hacks

Re: need help with original objects - Luka P. - 15.06.2009

If just someone then he use a hack.