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io_read - Printable Version

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io_read - Mr_C30 - 14.06.2009


Can you help me to correct my code?
its does not change the variable "model ".

public LoadRace(tmp[])

 	new string[256];
 	new race_name[50];
	format(race_name, sizeof(race_name), "%s.type", tmp);
	new File:gfile = fopen(race_name, io_read);
	fread(gfile, string, model = strval(string));
	model = string[100];

	if(model == 0)
	format(ystring,128,"[INFO]: une course a pied se prйpare!");
	return 1;
	else if(model == 1)
	format(ystring,128,"[INFO]: une course de voiture se prйpare!");
	return 1;
	else if(model == 2)
	format(ystring,128,"[INFO]: une course de moto se prйpare!");
	return 1;