teleporting problem - Printable Version
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teleporting problem -
Sfinx_17 - 13.06.2009
Hy guys.. i made a cor-dinates to teleport in front of a bank but why in game when i'm using my command to teleport,and when i'm there i see only the sky? why? can somebody help me with this problem?? thanks
My c-ordinate is this:
if (strcmp("/telebankcasino", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2159.2244,2001.5784,10.8203);
return true;
is the problem with the co-ordinate?
Re: teleporting problem -
Mr_C30 - 13.06.2009
you have te wrong due to interior
Re: teleporting problem -
Sfinx_17 - 13.06.2009
thanks man
Re: teleporting problem -
Sfinx_17 - 14.06.2009
Ok man thanks but what you are trying to say in that interior? i have the wrong id ? for example if in game i have the id "12" i have to change in my script that id to 12 on the interior ? please tell me thanks
