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Deiviux's Questions - Poweer - 13.06.2009

Hi every1. Sometimes i want to ask something about scripting etc. and I don't want to create new topic, so I'ill put all my questions to this topic.

So let's start

1. Where i can get FS that will create race and if player will go to /mcr (example) there will be CheckPoint and if player will write /join (example) in that CP, after 30 s. (example) race will start.
That 30 s. is time to another players to join.

So, i tried to search, but i haven't found that what I need.

P.s I am from Lithuania (You can see it there or there so my English is not so good :P

Re: Deiviux's Questions - miokie - 13.06.2009

Yagus Race Filterscript.

New Question - Poweer - 13.06.2009

Originally Posted by Miokie*
Yagus Race Filterscript.
Ok, I'll try it

2. How to make that when player finish drift, it will SendPlayerMessageToAll like: *PlayerName* collected *DriftPoints* $.

There is the code:

pawn Код:
public DriftCancellation(playerid){
    PlayerDriftCancellation[playerid] = 0;
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, Split("~w~Driftas baigesi!~n~~g~Uzdirbai ", tostr(DriftPointsNow[playerid]), "$"), 2000, 3);
  GivePlayerMoney(playerid, DriftPointsNow[playerid]);
    DriftPointsNow[playerid] = 0;
I'm using Luby FS.

Re: Deiviux's Questions - miokie - 13.06.2009

Ask in Lubys FS thread then.

Re: Deiviux's Questions - Dreftas - 13.06.2009

pawn Код:
public DriftCancellation(playerid){
    PlayerDriftCancellation[playerid] = 0;
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, Split("~w~Driftas baigesi!~n~~g~Uzdirbai ", tostr(DriftPointsNow[playerid]), "$"), 2000, 3);
    new DriftCanc[128], pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    format(DriftCanc,128,"%s collected %s drift points",pName,tostr(DriftPointsNow[playerid]));
        GivePlayerMoney(playerid, DriftPointsNow[playerid]);
    DriftPointsNow[playerid] = 0;
Try it.. i dont know if it works..

Re: Deiviux's Questions - Poweer - 15.06.2009

I Found The Answer My Self. I Don't need it any more