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What type of server do you prefere? DM,Stunt,RP ect - Printable Version

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What type of server do you prefere? DM,Stunt,RP ect - CAMERON_BANFIELD - 13.06.2009

So, whats your favourite type of server mine is Stunt, Freeroam.
Whats yours :P

Re: What type of server do you prefere? DM,Stunt,RP ect - DarkClone - 13.06.2009

I like to small-stunt, and play on Movie Servers there the funnest IMO, RP is fun to but i don't do it much anymore.

Re: What type of server do you prefere? DM,Stunt,RP ect - SiJ - 13.06.2009

I think this topic is almost same:
So you can see what people prefer there..

Re: What type of server do you prefere? DM,Stunt,RP ect - miokie - 13.06.2009

Originally Posted by Justas [SiJ
I think this topic is almost same:
So you can see what people prefer there..
Thats asking them what they would like to see.
This is asking what is there favorite.
I suposed it's kind of the same...

But for me Roleplay, Freeroam and Deathmatch.

Re: What type of server do you prefere? DM,Stunt,RP ect - Correlli - 13.06.2009

It's roleplay for me, sometimes also deathmatch, stunt and race.

Re: What type of server do you prefere? DM,Stunt,RP ect - CAMERON_BANFIELD - 14.06.2009

cool :P

Re: What type of server do you prefere? DM,Stunt,RP ect - Klutty - 14.06.2009

Roleplay and Stunt ftw.

Re: What type of server do you prefere? DM,Stunt,RP ect - NinjaKillS - 14.06.2009

I would say a roleplay or freeroam, But then again, On my roleplays i like their to be stunts so you can like escape the cops (drive off 1 building to another, go off a bridge into the gutters etc) Is pritty funny, Lol.

Re: What type of server do you prefere? DM,Stunt,RP ect - Etthan - 16.06.2009

stunts all the way

Re: What type of server do you prefere? DM,Stunt,RP ect - mave_man - 16.06.2009

Stunt, Freeroam, DM