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splatIT! Splatters - Printable Version

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splatIT! Splatters - rafay - 12.06.2009

[font=Segoe UI]Soon after the success of Damned Hearts, I decided to make another brush set, and here; I came up with the idea of splatters! This set contains 24 high resolution brushes made with real ink! I hope that you will like them. Please comment.
Click here to download!

Re: splatIT! Splatters - MenaceX^ - 12.06.2009

Hehe nice

Re: splatIT! Splatters - Karlip - 12.06.2009

Nice ones,Rafay.

Re: splatIT! Splatters - Yeatric - 12.06.2009

You got colored hands now. D:
And nice!

Re: splatIT! Splatters - Lewwy - 12.06.2009

Very nice.

Re: splatIT! Splatters - rafay - 12.06.2009

Originally Posted by [XG
Lj ]
Very nice.
Originally Posted by Yeatric.
You got colored hands now. D:
And nice!
Originally Posted by Karlip
Nice ones,Rafay.
Originally Posted by MenaceX^
Hehe nice
[font=Segoe UI]Thanks guys, leik those hands? Those are mine :>

Re: splatIT! Splatters - Correlli - 12.06.2009

Nice one Rafay.

Re: splatIT! Splatters - rafay - 12.06.2009

Originally Posted by Don Correlli
Nice one Rafay.
Well, thanks Don Correlli.

Re: splatIT! Splatters - miokie - 12.06.2009

Another load of Great Work, Good Job Rafay!

Re: splatIT! Splatters - Mrkrabz - 12.06.2009

wait its YOU'R hand?

And Awsome <3