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Ban somebody for a time - Printable Version

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Ban somebody for a time - FreeSoul - 12.06.2009

How can I ban somebody for a time?
/ban [ID] [Time]

Re: Ban somebody for a time - FreeSoul - 12.06.2009


Re: Ban somebody for a time - SaW_[VrTx] - 12.06.2009

I'm not sure, but i think, you have to use mysql for this...

Re: Ban somebody for a time - Jese - 12.06.2009

LoL, i think you can't you can simply remove the ban from the log.

Re: Ban somebody for a time - mamorunl - 12.06.2009

You can deny access to the server for a period of time. Like checking if the player's name or IP is in a certain file. You then kick him as long as the name is in the file. If the time is up, let a timer remove the name/IP from the file.

or set a timer that will initiate the rcon command 'unban ip' and 'reloadbans'. Which is also an option