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Teleport house HELP - Printable Version

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Teleport house HELP - Derksen123 - 11.06.2009

i need an script that i can teleport houses icons that you can buy to an other place
in game i already searched but cant find 1e does somebody have 1e a ingame house maker is also gooed (for GF)
Please help me

Re: Teleport house HELP - JoeDaDude - 11.06.2009

Re: Teleport house HELP - Derksen123 - 11.06.2009

Originally Posted by JoeDaDude
:S thats nothing with TELEPORTING HOUSES Propeties.cfg

Re: Teleport house HELP - JoeDaDude - 11.06.2009

You want a script,
So i link you to Script Request Thread,

You never said anything about GF/Edit

Re: Teleport house HELP - Derksen123 - 11.06.2009

ok but you know any because most of them are removed

Re: Teleport house HELP - JoeDaDude - 11.06.2009

What is it you want to do exactly

Re: Teleport house HELP - Derksen123 - 11.06.2009

look i have an house at grove street with interior and all that stuff you know with a green pickup

i wanna teleport that to an other place to
like to tele it to vinewood

you understand??

Re: Teleport house HELP - JoeDaDude - 11.06.2009

You want the pickup to goto vinewood?
You want it to teleport you to vinewood?

Be more specific xD

Re: Teleport house HELP - Derksen123 - 11.06.2009

Look i have house like this 300.232299,-1154.440551,81.390701,-262.700012,1456.599975,1084.300048,0,0,0,0,0,0,The State,Richman Mansion,3000000,0,0,4,1,0,0,1000,1,0,418,-1,-1,219,10,31

i need an script to teleport THIS:
300.232299,-1154.440551,81.390701,-262.700012,1456.599975,1084.300048,0,0,0,0,0,0,The State,Richman Mansion,3000000,0,0,4,1,0,0,1000,1,0,418,-1,-1,219,10,31
to a other place INGAME

Re: Teleport house HELP - JoeDaDude - 11.06.2009

Im not sure what you mean,
But this will tell you everything

Uploaded by me just for you xD
And other people who want to add houses and biz to gf and edits