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Whats wrong with this login system? - Printable Version

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Whats wrong with this login system? - killdahobo99 - 10.06.2009

What is wrong with this login system?]

I'm getting this error "(340) : error 030: compound statement not closed at the end of file (started at line 299)"

If anyone else has a login system, JUST a login system that actually complies and that i can add my whole stunt server onto, please post it...i tryed making one on my own, i have no idea what the tutorial is talking about.

Re: Whats wrong with this login system? - DracoBlue - 10.06.2009

there is a } missing at the end? post with fixed indention, misses the final }.

- Draco

Re: Whats wrong with this login system? - killdahobo99 - 10.06.2009

Originally Posted by DracoBlue
there is a } missing at the end? post with fixed indention, misses the final }.

- Draco
Now it says (342) : warning 209: function "OnPlayerCommandText" should return a value

Re: Whats wrong with this login system? - coole210 - 10.06.2009

Lol i might be able to help. Since it says COOLE210's MASSIVE SAVER xD

There is updated FS. You can add to gamemode with ease. Tested on area51 ( default script in GMs )