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strcmp() and !strcmp() - Dreftas - 10.06.2009

pawn Код:
This check if blabla = blabla and ignore letter case.

pawn Код:
This check if blabla != blabla (unequal)

So wtf is this in my mode:
pawn Код:
if (!strcmp(cmdtext, "/stop", true))
        if(GetPlayerState(playerid) != PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT) return 0;
        return 1;
    if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/$$", true))
        pInfo[playerid][Money] += 50000;
        return 1;
I dont understand this.. With ! script must do commands if those two strings aren't same, for example /$$ string it must do when cmdtext unequal /$$, but this work... If I remove ! every command make one action. What the fuck is this ? Because now with strcmp() I dont understand what ! do o_O

Re: strcmp() and !strcmp() - DracoBlue - 10.06.2009


This is because strcmp does something more then just checking for equality!

strcmp will test two strings for equallity.

	Returns :
		< 0 if s1 is less than s2
		 0 if s1 == s2
		> 0 if s1 is greater than s2

The net result means that the strcmp return code is logically incorrect because it returns a FALSE value when the strings match.
See strcmp-manual for details.

- Draco

Re: strcmp() and !strcmp() - Dreftas - 10.06.2009

Originally Posted by DracoBlue

This is because strcmp does something more then just checking for equality!

strcmp will test two strings for equallity.

	Returns :
		< 0 if s1 is less than s2
		 0 if s1 == s2
		> 0 if s1 is greater than s2

The net result means that the strcmp return code is logically incorrect because it returns a FALSE value when the strings match.
See strcmp-manual for details.

- Draco
Oh, thats how it does Thanks =]

Re: strcmp() and !strcmp() - DracoBlue - 10.06.2009

Originally Posted by Dreftas
Oh, thats how it does Thanks =]
I was wondering if somebody ever asks whyyyyy!

Happy coding,

Re: strcmp() and !strcmp() - Dreftas - 10.06.2009

Offtopic >


Now players id 1,2 and 3 team is same ?

Re: strcmp() and !strcmp() - DracoBlue - 10.06.2009

Originally Posted by Dreftas
Offtopic >


Now players id 1,2 and 3 team is same ?
better try this thread for such questions:

You will need to use SetTeamCount, too.

- Draco