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menu selecting doesn't have effect. - Printable Version

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menu selecting doesn't have effect. - Gamer007 - 07.06.2009

Okay, i fixed it once but now it came again to me. I got a menu when u write /meniu everything works fine (AGAIN) every time i select Kova that is on bottom of /meniu it chooses it and shows the menu and there is Kova 1 and Atgal, Atgal means back so it works but when i press Kova 1 a.k.a DM 1 it freezes me does nothing. I can post on pastebin the code but maybe someone had this problem and know how to solve this? because when first i solved it it was in other menu's problem. But now i tried to delete the whole menus and leave only the Kova but the same happens.

nvm .. heres the code:

Re: menu selecting doesn't have effect. - Weirdosport - 07.06.2009

If you indented the code in the case 0: it would be a lot easier to read.

Re: menu selecting doesn't have effect. - Gamer007 - 07.06.2009

it is indented the pastebin messd it up

edit: just paste it in new code and you'll see everything indented

Re: menu selecting doesn't have effect. - Gamer007 - 07.06.2009


Re: menu selecting doesn't have effect. - samgreen - 07.06.2009

Here is the pastebin code cleaned up.

Re: menu selecting doesn't have effect. - Gamer007 - 08.06.2009

you didn't do anything, the thing is the same it doesn't have effect . and those two } at the end of Case 1: is there because it is continuing another menu

Re: menu selecting doesn't have effect. - Gamer007 - 08.06.2009


Re: menu selecting doesn't have effect. - Correlli - 08.06.2009

Just add debug messages like printf/SendClientMessage to see where problems appears.

Re: menu selecting doesn't have effect. - Gamer007 - 08.06.2009

you mean >>>>>AFTER<<<< sendclientmessage's printf("Bug here? or what ?");

Re: menu selecting doesn't have effect. - Correlli - 08.06.2009

I mean like SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR, "DEBUG: bla bla bla"); after every function and so on.