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Rotations Problems - Printable Version

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Rotations Problems - Dragonoir - 03.06.2009

Hi im having a problem when i make a rotation of an object my server crash any help?
i did this
#include <SRO>

new obj3;

obj3 = CreateStreamedObject(972, -1514.432251, -276.834473, 4.996881, 0, 0, -77.3492451353); // object (9)

if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/gatedk1", true) == 0)
RotateObject(obj3, -77.34924503, 75.63037164, 0, 2.0);
return 1;

(everything on their own place...)
Thanks For The Attention

Re: Rotations Problems - JoshTheBoss - 03.06.2009

I saw on other RotateObject function that they had only 4 number btw the ()

So just once try:
RotateObject(objID, newx, newy, newz);
good luck

Re: Rotations Problems - Dragonoir - 03.06.2009

Originally Posted by JoshTheBoss
I saw on other RotateObject function that they had only 4 number btw the ()

So just once try:
RotateObject(objID, newx, newy, newz);
good luck
Its still crash =/ it just crash since i did this comand and use it, it something strange =/