#include <a_samp> // * Settings for the anti-flood // I recommend using these settings if you want to protect the server from flood attacks. // If you want to deal with annoying spammers, lower the thresold a bit and set the mode to 2 (kick). #define RATE_INC (500) // The sensitivity per message, no need to modify. #define RATE_MAX (2500) // When the flood rate reaches this value the action below will be taken // * Action to take when the flood rate reached the thresold // 1 - Ban // 2 - Kick // 3 - Give a warning (not recommended) #define THRESOLD_ACTION 1 enum LIST_ANTIFLOOD { lastCheck, floodRate } new AntiFlood_Data[MAX_PLAYERS][LIST_ANTIFLOOD]; public OnFilterScriptInit() { for ( new playerid; playerid < MAX_PLAYERS; playerid++ ) { if ( IsPlayerConnected( playerid ) ) AntiFlood_InitPlayer( playerid ); } return 1; } public OnFilterScriptExit() { return 1; } public OnPlayerConnect( playerid ) { AntiFlood_InitPlayer( playerid ); return 1; } public OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid ) { return 1; } public OnPlayerText( playerid, text[] ) { assert( AntiFlood_Check( playerid ) ); return 1; } public OnPlayerCommandText( playerid, cmdtext[] ) { assert( AntiFlood_Check( playerid ) ); return 0; } public OnPlayerPrivmsg( playerid, recieverid, text[] ) { assert( AntiFlood_Check( playerid ) ); return 1; } forward OnPlayerTeamPrivmsg( playerid, text[] ); public OnPlayerTeamPrivmsg( playerid, text[] ) { assert( AntiFlood_Check( playerid ) ); return 1; } public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason ) { assert( AntiFlood_Check( playerid ) ); return 1; } AntiFlood_Check( playerid, bool:inc=true ) { AntiFlood_Data[playerid][floodRate] += inc ? RATE_INC : 0; AntiFlood_Data[playerid][floodRate] = AntiFlood_Data[playerid][floodRate] - ( GetTickCount() - AntiFlood_Data[playerid][lastCheck] ); AntiFlood_Data[playerid][lastCheck] = GetTickCount(); AntiFlood_Data[playerid][floodRate] = AntiFlood_Data[playerid][floodRate] < 0 ? 0 : AntiFlood_Data[playerid][floodRate]; if ( AntiFlood_Data[playerid][floodRate] >= RATE_MAX ) { #if THRESOLD_ACTION == 1 new msg[64], name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName( playerid, name, sizeof( name ) ); format( msg, sizeof( msg ), ">> %s has been banned for flooding.", name ); SendClientMessageToAll( 0xEE9911FF, msg ); Ban( playerid ); #elseif THRESOLD_ACTION == 2 new msg[64], name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName( playerid, name, sizeof( name ) ); format( msg, sizeof( msg ), ">> %s has been kicked for flooding.", name ); SendClientMessageToAll( 0xEE9911FF, msg ); Kick( playerid ); #else SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xC00000FF, "Stop flooding." ); #endif return false; } return true; } AntiFlood_InitPlayer( playerid ) { AntiFlood_Data[playerid][lastCheck] = GetTickCount(); AntiFlood_Data[playerid][floodRate] = 0; }
Originally Posted by Don Correlli
It's been a while since some anti-flood script was released. Good work.
Originally Posted by Backwardsman97
Originally Posted by Etthan
dont work