[INC] Areas -
mister-fred - 02.06.2009
This script will allows you to create easily area, for one player or for all palyers
CreateArea(Float:minX, Float:maxX, Float:minY, Float:maxY); // Create area for all players, return id of the zone or INVALID_AREA if the number of maximum area is reached
DestroyArea(areaid); // Destroy area, return true if the area has been destroyed, false if the id is incorrect or that the area was not created
IsPlayerInArea(playerid, areaid); //Check if a player is in the 'areaid', return: true if the player is in area, false if not in area
GetPlayerInArea(playerid); //return: the id of the area in which is the player, INVALID_AREA if the player is not in an area
SetPlayerInArea(playerid,areaid); //Place the player in the center of the area, return: true if the player has been placed in the area, false if the id of the zone is incorrect or that the area was not created
// The following function returns the same as their equivalent in area for all player
CreatePlayerArea(playerid,Float:minX, Float:maxX, Float:minY, Float:maxY);
IsPlayerInPlayerArea(playerid, areaid);
- Place the file 'areas.inc' in your folder /pawno/include
- Add '# include <areas>' at the top of your gamemode
- Add 'AR_OnGameModeInit();'
At the top of the 'OnGameModeInit'
- Add 'AR_OnGameModeExit();' in 'OnGameModeExit'
- Add 'AR_OnPlayerConnect(playerid)'; in 'OnPlayerConnect'
- Add 'AR_OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid)'; in 'OnPlayerDisconnect'
- Add at the bottom of your script this:
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerEnterArea(playerid,areaid)
return 1;
public OnPlayerExitArea(playerid,areaid)
return 1;
public OnPlayerEnterPlayerArea(playerid,areaid)
return 1;
public OnPlayerExitPlayerArea(playerid,areaid)
return 1;
Re: [INC] Areas -
James_Alex - 02.06.2009
very very nice
Re: [INC] Areas -
Correlli - 02.06.2009
Good work.
Re: [INC] Areas -
HuRRiCaNe - 03.06.2009
well done , is going to be useful
Re: [INC] Areas -
JoshTheBoss - 03.06.2009
awesome, it is absolutely extravagent!!! (lolz)
Re: [INC] Areas -
Emrets61 - 23.06.2009
This is very good INC but, this does not work. You give examples ?
Re: [INC] Areas -
Grim_ - 23.06.2009
I swear I've seen these same exact functions before.
*Swift_ goes searching.
Re: [INC] Areas -
[LNL]Remulis - 23.06.2009
Re: [INC] Areas -
Emrets61 - 23.06.2009
Where is the link ?
Re: [INC] Areas -
Emrets61 - 23.06.2009
Originally Posted by Emrets61
Where is the link ?
Originally Posted by Emrets61
This is very good INC but, this does not work. You give examples ?
Re: [INC] Areas -
mister-fred - 24.06.2009
The link is the image, then click on the image of the file
For an example I ferris tomorrow.
Re: [INC] Areas -
Emrets61 - 24.06.2009
I added codes:
[code=Up]#include <areas>[/code]
public OnGameModeInit()
return 1;
public OnGameModeExit()
return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
return 1;
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid)
return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
TatilAlani = CreateArea(-2942.825, -2954.502, 2954.502, -2907.791);
return 1;
[code=OnPlayerEnterArea]public OnPlayerEnterArea(playerid,areaid)
if(IsPlayerInArea(playerid, TatilAlani))
SendPlayerFormattedText(playerid, "Tatil alanına girebilmek iзin bilet almalısınız.", 0);
return 1;
But not work !
Re: [INC] Areas -
SiJ - 24.06.2009
So.. Does anybody tested this?
Re: [INC] Areas -
Emrets61 - 24.06.2009
I creating mode for my server. This mode is really important. In the short time period must be published. Give you example? Please.
Re: [INC] Areas -
Martins342 - 24.06.2009
GetPlayerInArea must be GetAreaOfPlayer or GetPlayerArea, I think.
Re: [INC] Areas -
Emrets61 - 24.06.2009
I added:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerEnterArea(playerid,areaid)
if(IsPlayerInArea(playerid, TatilAlani))
SendPlayerFormattedText(playerid, "Tatil alanına girebilmek iзin bilet almalısınız.", 0);
return 1;
Not work !
Re: [INC] Areas -
mister-fred - 24.06.2009
At the top of your script:
In OnGameModeInit or elsewhere
pawn Код:
TatilAlani = CreateArea(/*The coordinated minX, maxX, minY, maxY*/);
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerEnterArea(playerid,areaid)
if(areaid == TatilAlani)
SendPlayerFormattedText(playerid, "Tatil alanına girebilmek iзin bilet almalısınız.", 0);
return 1;
GetPlayerInArea return areaid in which the player, it can for example be used in a command such as:
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd,"/mycmd",true) == 0)
if(GetPlayerInArea(playerid) != TatilAlani)
SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFFFFFF,"Not in area TatilAlani!");
return 1;
Re: [INC] Areas -
Emrets61 - 24.06.2009
I really thank you very much.
Re: [INC] Areas -
Emrets61 - 24.06.2009
Not work.
Re: [INC] Areas -
mister-fred - 24.06.2009
Your coordinate are can be incorrect