xObjects - wtf - Printable Version
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xObjects - wtf -
Klutty - 01.06.2009
I have added xObjects inside of my GM, I get 2 errors on these lines..
C:\Program\SAMP Server\gamemodes\sldm.pwn(507) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "{"
C:\Program\SAMP Server\gamemodes\sldm.pwn(545) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
Line 507:
pawn Код:
{18449, 2666.0464, -1047.6980, 88.5490, 0.0000, 35.2369, 0.0000, 500.0},
Line 545:
Re: xObjects - wtf -
luckie12 - 01.06.2009
Line 507:
(18449, 2666.0464, -1047.6980, 88.5490, 0.0000, 35.2369, 0.0000, 500.0);
Line 545:
Re: xObjects - wtf -
dice7 - 01.06.2009
i think you just forgot a ';' in line 506.
and you don't put ';' after '}'
Re: xObjects - wtf -
Klutty - 01.06.2009
Originally Posted by luckie12
Line 507:
(18449, 2666.0464, -1047.6980, 88.5490, 0.0000, 35.2369, 0.0000, 500.0);
Line 545:
Completely wrong.
Originally Posted by dice7
i think you just forgot a ';' in line 506.
and you don't put ';' after '}'
If you look at the code I posted, I didn't put a } there.
Dont post useless info.
Re: xObjects - wtf -
luckie12 - 01.06.2009
you have do >.<
Re: xObjects - wtf -
Karlip - 01.06.2009
You must remove the comma after the object line before };.
pawn Код:
(18449, 2666.0464, -1047.6980, 88.5490, 0.0000, 35.2369, 0.0000, 500.0)
Re: xObjects - wtf -
Klutty - 01.06.2009
I have already done that, still get errors.
Originally Posted by luckie12
you have do >.<
You have to use brackets, duh.
Re: xObjects - wtf -
gpclan - 01.06.2009
try this
{18449, 2666.0464, -1047.6980, 88.5490, 0.0000, 35.2369, 0.0000, 500.0}; not ,
Re: xObjects - wtf -
RenisiL - 01.06.2009
Please delete ;
Re: xObjects - wtf -
Klutty - 01.06.2009
Ah, I found the problem now, some "," were missing.
Thanks for the help everyone!!