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Moving Boat - Daren_Jacobson - 28.05.2009

Well i made a moving boat, and here people are saying "It's been done, you aren't all the good" and blah blah blah, yet no-one wants too show me any proof, so, if someone can show me that you made a moving boat, i will stop saying i was the first to do it.

Re: Moving Boat - BP13 - 28.05.2009

Look No Proof Yet

Re: Moving Boat - Ace_Menace - 28.05.2009

Can we get a link to it? Or some pictures or something?

Re: Moving Boat - Daren_Jacobson - 28.05.2009

hmm, let me turn on server.

/gotoship to get there.

i can turn up the speed to show it's path a little more.

Re: Moving Boat - yom - 28.05.2009

So you think you are the first one to use MoveObject ?

Re: Moving Boat - Daren_Jacobson - 29.05.2009

move together, turn and stuff, i have met coding newbs who knew more than you.

Re: Moving Boat - *ToM* - 29.05.2009

Lol Darren I remember when I helped you with testing it )

Tom_Johnson (Paco_Perez) btw It was much fun but that boat was always too fast ;/

Re: Moving Boat - Daren_Jacobson - 29.05.2009

i had it moving fast in testing so i could test the path.

Re: Moving Boat - yom - 29.05.2009

Originally Posted by Daren_Jacobson
move together, turn and stuff, i have met coding newbs who knew more than you.
I'm supernewb then :P

Well i may know only a few things about Pawn scripting, but still, you aren't the first to move some objects together, no need to flame me just because you really think you are the only one who know trigonometry..

Re: Moving Boat - *ToM* - 29.05.2009

Originally Posted by 0rb
but still, you aren't the first to move some objects together, no need to flame me just because you really think you are the only one who know trigonometry..
Sorry Daren but I have to agree, there was someone who made this and worked pretty well, can't remember now who did this but it was on several servers.