Help with Entering a bus - Printable Version
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Help with Entering a bus -
Gozerr - 28.05.2009
I made this under OnPlayerEnterVehicle:
pawn Код:
new BusVeh = GetVehicleModel(vehicleid);
new String[256];
new PassengerName[256];
if(BusVeh==437 || BusVeh==431 && GetPlayerState(playerid)==2 && gTeam[playerid]!=1337)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You must be a bus driver to drive a bus!");
else if(BusVeh==437 || BusVeh==431 && gTeam[playerid]!=1337)
new BusDriver = GetVehicleDriver(vehicleid);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -5);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "You entered the bus for $5");
GetPlayerName(playerid, PassengerName, sizeof(PassengerName));
format(String, sizeof(String), "%s has entered your bus!", PassengerName);
SendClientMessage(BusDriver, COLOR_GREEN, String);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "There is no bus driver that is on duty in this bus!");
return 1;
When I enter the Bus/Coach as driver, without being gTeam 1337 ( LOL )
I won't get removed from the vehicle, Neither will i when i enter as passenger without a valid Bus Driver.
How to fix this?
Thanks, Goz3rr
BTW: I dont get any compile errors or warnings
Re: Help with Entering a bus -
SpiderPork - 28.05.2009
RemovePlayerFromVehicle doesn't work:
Originally Posted by BeckzyBoi
RemovePlayerFromVehicle - It only shows the 'exit vehicle' animation for the player being removed
I suggest you use SetPlayerPos to teleport player out of the vehicle.
Re: Help with Entering a bus -
Gozerr - 28.05.2009
Is there any other way then teleporting?
And still, I dont see the message
Re: Help with Entering a bus -
SpiderPork - 28.05.2009
No, there is no other way, I think.
Re: Help with Entering a bus -
Djiango - 28.05.2009
Use it under OnPlayerStateChange!
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
But RemovePlayerFromVehicle do work. But other players won't see the animation of the player, that're being removed.
Re: Help with Entering a bus -
lol2112 - 28.05.2009
I'm pretty sure RemovePlayerFromVehicle does work as it should.