Time delay on commands -
lol2112 - 26.05.2009
Hi there,
I was just wondering if this is the best way to put a time delay on a command:
forward AllowCommand(playerid);
new StopCommand[MAX_PLAYERS]; //at the top of the script
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if (strcmp("/mycommand", cmdtext, true) == 0)
if(StopCommand != 1)
// Do something here
StopCommand[playerid] = 1;
SetTimerEx("AllowCommand", 1000, 0, "i", playerid);
return 1;
return 0;
public AllowCommand(playerid)
StopCommand[playerid] = 0;
Or is there a better way? If not then what's the best way to go about putting a time delay on multiple commands using this method without declaring an array (StopCommand[MAX_PLAYERS] in my example) for every single command you have
Many thanks.
Re: Time delay on commands -
Simon - 27.05.2009
Could remove the timers and use GetTickCount.
pawn Код:
// Global Variable
new CommandTimeStamp[ MAX_PLAYERS ];
// OnPlayerConnect
CommandTimeStamp[ MAX_PLAYERS ] = 0;
// OnPlayerCommandText
if ( !strcmp( "/mycommand", cmdtext, true ) )
if ( ( GetTickCount() - CommandTimeStamp[ playerid ] ) < 10000 ) // If difference in time is less than 10000 ms (10 seconds)
return SendClientMessage( playerid, "You must wait 10 seconds before using this command again." );
CommandTimeStamp[ playerid ] = GetTickCount( );
// Your code!
Re: Time delay on commands -
lol2112 - 27.05.2009
Thanks for the reply. That's actually how I was doing it before I found out that you could pass parameters using SetTimerEx. Even with this method you need to declare several arrays for your different commands, and I'm just not sure if that's a good method... I also read that GetTickCount()'s not very stable and tickcount() expires after 24 days of non-stop playback (although that's still a hell of a long time!).
Re: Time delay on commands -
yom - 27.05.2009
Then use gettime instead.
Re: Time delay on commands -
lol2112 - 27.05.2009
Hmm. I'm not really short of methods to put the delay in. I just want to know if anyone can think of a way to do it without declaring an array for every command that I want to put a delay in for...
Edit: On a side note: gettime actually looks very useful, thanks for that.
Re: Time delay on commands -
yom - 27.05.2009
You don't really have the choice, but you could use a 2d array.
Also hi Simon, a mistake in your code, where it say
pawn Код:
// OnPlayerConnect
CommandTimeStamp[ MAX_PLAYERS ] = 0;
should be playerid
Re: Time delay on commands -
lol2112 - 27.05.2009
I don't know a lot about 2nd arrays but I will read up on them. Just one more question: are 2nd arrays more efficient than normal arrays? So would it be better to declare a 2nd array instead of several normal arrays? Thanks.
Re: Time delay on commands -
yom - 27.05.2009
No it's not more efficient. But you still can do with only one array, like in this example:
pawn Код:
#define PlayerDelay(%0,%1) PlayerDelays[%0+(%1*MAX_PLAYERS)]
Then you can do
pawn Код:
PlayerDelay(playerid, CMD_MYCOMMAND) = gettime();
or whatever.
A more efficient way than constantly using gettime(), is to increment a global variable in a repeating timer of 1 second and use this variable instead.
Re: Time delay on commands -
lol2112 - 27.05.2009
Ah that's great. Thanks a lot for the help. About this bit:
increment a global variable in a repeating timer of 1 second and use this variable instead.
I'm not 100% sure what you mean here...something like this?
new TickCount;
forward RaiseCount();
public OnGameModeInIt()
SetTimer("RaiseCount", 1000, 1);
public RaiseCount()
And then use the TickCount variable in my commands?
Re: Time delay on commands -
yom - 27.05.2009
Yes exactly