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[RP-Help]True RP mode - Printable Version

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[RP-Help]True RP mode - itay234 - 26.05.2009

Guys Some One Can give me PLEASE Normal True Role Play Mode
like this server-here the ip:
thank for the helpers and bless you all!

Re: [RP-Help]True RP mode - Correlli - 26.05.2009

Wrong section. And if that gamemode isn't released, you can't get it.

Re: [RP-Help]True RP mode - roleplay501 - 27.05.2009

dude this server its the same LA-RP that released here.

thats not so expnsive server, imust to tell you thats really old version of project reallity
so if you want the same server but better...

but that is a wrong section

Re: [RP-Help]True RP mode - TalBarami - 28.05.2009

you can find it here

חחחח ענק...

Re: [RP-Help]True RP mode - eden78 - 29.05.2009

haha tal barami, i also know hebrew
Itay = Jack_Jackson .
please dont make me lough

חח איזה מפגר , למה נראה לך שתקבל את המוד ?
המוד שלהם אומנם מבוסס על LARP
אבל הוא משופר וכולל המון דברים שאין ברגיל .
אז אתה יכול להמשיך לחפש ..

דרך אגב ?
שמי הוא FireBoX`

Re: [RP-Help]True RP mode - -eXo - 29.05.2009

Its just LA-RP with a few edits and the credits removed.