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Saving varables. - Printable Version

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Saving varables. - Hot - 24.05.2009

I have my own registration and login system, and I want to save some variables like,


HaveBomb checks if someone have a a bomb, and when the player exit save it, like:

I buyed a bomb, than I exit and when I turn my self online again, the bomb still there.

Take a look at my Registration and Login system:

Re: Saving varables. - Weirdosport - 24.05.2009

So what's the problem? You don't know how? You do it the same as you save all your other variables.


That will save the HaveBomb value for the playerid to his file when he disconnected.

EDIT: to get the variable back:

HaveBomb[playerid] = dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("bomb");

Re: Saving varables. - Hot - 24.05.2009

just that? '_'

Re: Saving varables. - Weirdosport - 24.05.2009

Yes, dudb does a lot of the work for you.