Mapper/Scripter for new Stunt GM -
MarcoNecroX - 24.05.2009
Hi, I'm looking someone (1 or 2 guys) for making a based-stunt server, with obviously some deathmatch, races, and tdm maps, I want to make a Stunt Gamemode without any stunts of other server, you should need to bee and advanced mapper, you should know how to:
Generate maps (with generators, I made my own constant generator, and i have a loop and helix generator)
How to do maps in the mittle of nowhere (knowing how to make grounds, etc.)
Doing different types of maps
You should have imagination obviously
If you don't know how to generate maps i can teach you
You can PM for my MSN Adress. I like mapping, i'm doing some maps, one is a SuperStuntPark, already has more than 500 objects, its more than 2800 Long (Sa is 6000x6000), also really big.. A really big stuntpark in LS airport, and a very big race in mittle of nowhere but near mt chilliad (but still in the water) with stunts, etc.
I hope there is someone interesed
PS: I don't knew where should i post this, so i posted this here
Re: Mapper/Scripter for new Stunt GM -
mini-d - 24.05.2009
Re: Mapper/Scripter for new Stunt GM -
MarcoNecroX - 24.05.2009
alright still looking for some mappers and scripter for this gm, add me on msn (pm me ) or add me in xfire: marconecrox
Re: Mapper/Scripter for new Stunt GM -
Rks25 - 24.05.2009
what will the scripter/mapper get?
Re: Mapper/Scripter for new Stunt GM -
MarcoNecroX - 24.05.2009
The same as me, the credits of the GM, would be the creators, would be proud of it lol, the same as me, it's fun to make your own gm with some friends.. [size=3px]selling it is other possibility[/size]
Re: Mapper/Scripter for new Stunt GM -
MarcoNecroX - 25.05.2009
Well here's the full list of people needed for the GM:
Miscellaneus scripters, like: Making Zones, Adding Vehicles, CP's and Pickups, Menu makeers, (not needed to be really good just /save cmd!
I hope there is anyone interested, already recived some PM's