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How do you buy guns on SA-MP at Ammu-Nation? - Printable Version

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How do you buy guns on SA-MP at Ammu-Nation? - XxXTieGuyXxX - 22.05.2009

How do you buy guns at Ammu-Nation on SA-MP? Everytime I select a gun and hit enter or shift or whatever, the buy window disappears and all I have is my lousy pistol. Note: I haven't gotten anywhere in the game yet except for the first mission-does that have anything to do with my problem?

Re: How do you buy guns on SA-MP at Ammu-Nation? - Correlli - 22.05.2009

Try to use space to buy it.

How do you buy guns on SA-MP at Ammu-Nation? - [NoV]LaZ - 22.05.2009

Like in Single Player...
Lovely Wendie

Re: How do you buy guns on SA-MP at Ammu-Nation? - XxXTieGuyXxX - 23.05.2009

Originally Posted by Don Correlli
Try to use space to buy it.
Ty man, now I can buy guns 2 protect my self in free roam

Re: How do you buy guns on SA-MP at Ammu-Nation? - Drift_King786 - 23.05.2009

always carry two guns?
i am always fully armed!! no1 touches me!!
then i got a driver ;p who drives while i DB some1 ;p

Re: How do you buy guns on SA-MP at Ammu-Nation? - DMSOrg - 24.05.2009

I usually play on RP servers and just carry around an MP5 and an AK47. I don't get what the big fuss is about having 'one of every gun'

Re: How do you buy guns on SA-MP at Ammu-Nation? - Calgon - 25.05.2009

Originally Posted by [K4L
Jake ]
I usually play on RP servers and just carry around an MP5 and an AK47. I don't get what the big fuss is about having 'one of every gun'
So when you die you can be more gutted about the money you wasted?

Re: How do you buy guns on SA-MP at Ammu-Nation? - toxickrystal - 16.08.2009

You can buy guns like in singleplayer but stunting servers block Ammu-Nations.