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PHP Login | SA:MP Administration - Printable Version

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PHP Login | SA:MP Administration - ToMmY1547 - 19.05.2009

Hi people, I need help. I'd like to do SA: MP Hosting, but I do not know how to do PHP Login and would please me if someone wrote the file using MySQL.
The file should contain:
1. ID, port, name, password => All using MySQL
And when they need someone logs into Administration SA: MP Server so that the link was not necessary:
I'd like it to be as follows:
And so there should apply for registration of all users through any port on your server always.
Advance thank you

Re: PHP Login | SA:MP Administration - ToMmY1547 - 28.05.2009

Pls help

Re: PHP Login | SA:MP Administration - ToMmY1547 - 29.05.2009


Re: PHP Login | SA:MP Administration - Burridge - 29.05.2009

1. Don't Triple Post.

2. Have you got a dedicated server host to actually run it from?