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HELP WITH PLAyertopoint while in a car - Printable Version

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HELP WITH PLAyertopoint while in a car - mike_bisko - 18.05.2009

i hav this so far i neeed it to work while a player is in a car

if (PlayerToPoint(5.0, playerid, MatsDeliver[i][Matsx], MatsDeliver[i][Matsy], MatsDeliver[i][Matsz]))
		  if(MatsHolding[playerid] > 0)
		  	new payout = (50)*(MatsHolding[playerid]);
		    format(string, sizeof(string), "* The Factory Gave You %d Materials from your %d Packages.", payout, MatsHolding[playerid]);
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string);
		    PlayerInfo[playerid][pMats] += payout;
		    MatsHolding[playerid] = 0;

Re: HELP WITH PLAyertopoint while in a car - Backwardsman97 - 19.05.2009

pawn Code:
stock IsPlayerVehicleInRangeOfPoint(playerid, Float:range, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
{   // Created by Y_Less

    GetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), px, py, pz);
    px -= x;
    py -= y;
    pz -= z;
    return ((px * px) + (py * py) + (pz * pz)) < (range * range);
Very simple. And you need to swap your first two parameters around to make it fit this.

Re: HELP WITH PLAyertopoint while in a car - mike_bisko - 19.05.2009

Thank you for helping out i will try this as well i did get it to work by making a new command checkfordrivingpoint using playertopointstripped it checks to see if your in a car and that worked for the most part....undertimer i made this command
			if (GetPlayerState(i) == 2) CheckForDrivingTeleport(i);

Re: HELP WITH PLAyertopoint while in a car - Joe Staff - 19.05.2009

It shouldn't really matter, player position will be (near) the same as the player's vehicle position. Only the VehicleZAngle and PlayerFacingAngle are different, (PlayerFacingAngle doesn't update when player is in a vehicle)