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Object streamer - Printable Version

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Object streamer - Rks25 - 18.05.2009

i need a object streamer which will result in very less crashes, can anyone name me some. I heard from a lot that Y_Objects crashes a lot?....

Re: Object streamer - devil614 - 18.05.2009

Get MidoStream. Works great!

Re: Object streamer - Correlli - 18.05.2009

Try xStreamer by Boylett. It's a plugin.

Re: Object streamer - MazaHACKa - 14.06.2009

An Error Has Occurred!
The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.

Re: Object streamer - Correlli - 14.06.2009

Originally Posted by Boylett
It is against the license of the script or plugin you are looking for to use it or to have a copy of it. Delete it immediately.

If you are wondering why, contact Boylett on IRC

- Boylett