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Checking object pos - Printable Version

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Checking object pos - Jefff - 17.05.2009

Hi i've a big problem with checking object pos
new something;
something = CreateObject(ID, 2001.3964, 1547.1013, 13.5002, 3.4377, 355.7028, 270.6186);
and public with timer who is checking this object pos
public Object() {
new Float:OX,Float:OY,Float:OZ;
if(OX != 2001.3964 && OY != 1547.1013) {
SetObjectPos(something,2001.3964, 1547.1013, 13.5002);
SetObjectRot(something, 3.4377, 355.7028, 270.6186);
return 1;
but if i change pos of this object nothing happend

how to fix this i'm testing with DestroyObject and Create new but nothing too :/

Re: Checking object pos - Weirdosport - 17.05.2009

If it's an object that you push, the GetObjectPos won't work, it will return the position you last set it to.

Re: Checking object pos - Jefff - 18.05.2009

So how to fix this ? I've no idea

Re: Checking object pos - Weirdosport - 18.05.2009

You don't, if a player moves an object as far as the program is concerned it's still where it put it.