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need help - Printable Version

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need help - luckie12 - 16.05.2009

how to made this?:

TIP: Look First Picture 14 The 1nd
Then Look Picture 15 12nd Picture

can anyone help me how to made that?

ty alot

Re: need help - Karlip - 16.05.2009

pawn Код:

MOVEGATE = CreateObject(980, 1385.557617, -2688.828857, 272.734619, 0.0000, 0.0000, 270.0000);

if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/MOVEGATECLOSE", true)==0)
    MoveObject (MOVEGATE,1385.557,-2688.828,272.734,2.5);
    return 1;
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/MOVEGATEOPEN", true)==0)
   MoveObject (MOVEGATE,1385.557,-2688.828,267.734,2.5);
   return 1;

Re: need help - Weirdosport - 16.05.2009

Your move before and after co-ordinates are identical.. Think about that for a second..

Re: need help - Karlip - 16.05.2009

Those are the same coords,just look and think.