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About to make a new server - Printable Version

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About to make a new server - Holden_Caulfield - 14.05.2009

Hey guys.

I've been playin sa-mp for a long time now
In a few different servers.

I've been thinking, and it's time to start my own.
I need a team though.

This isn't going to be some pipe dream.
It's not another case of a longtime player making a feeble attempt at creating a popular and great server.

It's an honest attempt, one that I won't give up on.
And I need a few good men to help me, some that won't give up either.

I'm not sure where I shoulda put this, so if it's in the wrong spot, forgive me.

It's going to be a roleplay server, starting small and growing.

Anyone interested?
post here or PM me.


Re: About to make a new server - weedarr - 14.05.2009

The key to a good server is a new, unique script (which is hard cause most ideas are thought of), so you must ask yourself, can I script my own script, use an overused existing one or pay someone to make one (very unlikely anyone will do it for free).


Re: About to make a new server - Rainmaker - 14.05.2009

Pls stop creating more and more dumb servers. There are already 2500 of them and half of a day its like 2500 servers online and 3000 players online. Second half ist like 8000 players online and 2500 servers online - which isnt good either.

Re: About to make a new server - CarlosGF - 14.05.2009

if you want I can help , plus I'm already in my project with a friend.

contact me by msn is better,

Re: About to make a new server - SniperX64 - 14.05.2009

Originally Posted by Rainmaker
Pls stop creating more and more dumb servers. There are already 2500 of them and half of a day its like 2500 servers online and 3000 players online. Second half ist like 8000 players online and 2500 servers online - which isnt good either.
As long as the server adds up something everyone may make one..