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AttachObjectToPlayer function - Printable Version

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AttachObjectToPlayer function - Enzo_Ferrari_V12 - 13.05.2009

AttachObjectToPlayer( objectid, playerid, 1.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 1.5, 2 );

How are the axis aranged? like this?

Top view:

Front of Player


Behind player

If not can you show me how? Also some other questions

1. Can you attach more than one player to just 1 single object?
2. When you attach the object to player does the object go to player or does the player go to object?
3. can I do


OBJECT = CreateObject....

AttachObjectToPlayer( OBJECT, playerid, 1.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 1.5, 2 );

4. If I do the code above, will everyone see the object? (All Players)

Re: AttachObjectToPlayer function - yom - 13.05.2009

Why don't you just test..

Re: AttachObjectToPlayer function - Enzo_Ferrari_V12 - 13.05.2009

b/c someone who might ahve already done this can tell me...

Re: AttachObjectToPlayer function - Redirect Left - 13.05.2009

It doesn't take anymore than a few minutes to test ¬_¬