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[Help!!!] How to usethis Public!! - Printable Version

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[Help!!!] How to usethis Public!! - MarcoNecroX - 12.05.2009


How can I use this native in my xObjects script!?

public IsValidObjectModel( modelid )
    switch( modelid )
:S ?

Re: [Help!!!] How to usethis Public!! - Backwardsman97 - 13.05.2009

You would need every good object, or bad object, in a list to search from. So you can go in game with some kind of script and create/destroy every object and copy the ones that make you crash.

Re: [Help!!!] How to usethis Public!! - MarcoNecroX - 15.05.2009

I have the list obviously in

switch (modelid)

I mean how can I use it with xObjects (I have the list!)

Re: [Help!!!] How to usethis Public!! - Backwardsman97 - 15.05.2009

Let's say for example, objects 100 , 150, 175 - 180, and 502 were bad. You might do something like this.

pawn Код:
   case 100,150,502,175..180:
     //It's bad