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How to automaticlly change Gamemodes when you win a round? - Printable Version

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How to automaticlly change Gamemodes when you win a round? - HydraX - 06.05.2009


i need some help

i making a Mini-Missions server and i want to know

How to automaticlly change Gamemodes when you win a round?

When someone wins the Gamemode changes like in the Mini-Missions server


and if after sometime no one wins... the Gamemode changes also

Re: How to automaticlly change Gamemodes when you win a round? - HydraX - 06.05.2009


Re: How to automaticlly change Gamemodes when you win a round? - shitbird - 06.05.2009

Set a timer, and when that clicks, check the scores etc, and make it go to next map.

Re: How to automaticlly change Gamemodes when you win a round? - HydraX - 06.05.2009


so how can i make it change rounds when the Mission is donw

like that one in Mini-Missions (if you played on it)

Re: How to automaticlly change Gamemodes when you win a round? - HB - 06.05.2009

Set multiple gamemodes in the cfg file, and restart the server when the timer ends.

Re: How to automaticlly change Gamemodes when you win a round? - HydraX - 06.05.2009

Originally Posted by иєσz
Set multiple gamemodes in the cfg file, and restart the server when the timer ends.
hmm ok

EDIT: I tried that waited a few minutes like 20 minutes but it didnt work its still the same GM not a different one

heres the server.cfg

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 1
rcon_password ******
maxplayers 32
port 7777
hostname San Andreas: Mini Missions 0.2x
gamemode0 rivershell 1
gamemode1 cng 1
gamemode2 DnB 1
filterscripts adminspec vactions ladmin4v2
announce 1
query 1
anticheat 0

Re: How to automaticlly change Gamemodes when you win a round? - Grim_ - 06.05.2009

pawn Код:
SendRconCommand("changemode nextgamemodenamehere");
When the gamemode ends.

Re: How to automaticlly change Gamemodes when you win a round? - HydraX - 06.05.2009

pawn Код:
public ExitTheGameMode()
      PlaySoundForAll(1186, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Stops the music
    //printf("Exiting Game Mode");
    SendRconCommand("changemode cng");

Re: How to automaticlly change Gamemodes when you win a round? - lavamike - 06.05.2009

I don't think you have to use GameModeExit();

I think it will call that automatically.

Re: How to automaticlly change Gamemodes when you win a round? - HydraX - 06.05.2009

hmm let me show you the script