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Make Random - Printable Version

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Make Random - Justsmile - 30.04.2009

I have in the Tutorial SetPlayerCamera etc.
how can i make different (random) cameras. For example:
Player A joined Tutorial and get picrute 1 place 1
Player B joined Tutorial and get picture 1 place 2

you understant?
pls make an exapmple

Re: Make Random - rensfromrpas - 30.04.2009

i don't get it?
do you want a random camera?
or do you want a camera that is diferent for every player?<< this is what i make out of youre example

Re: Make Random - Justsmile - 30.04.2009

Player A gets Camera pos 1
Player B gets Camera pos 2
Player C gets Camea pos 1
you get it?

Re: Make Random - Justsmile - 30.04.2009

Anyone have a example?