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help need ideas - Printable Version

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help need ideas - luckie12 - 30.04.2009

hi have anyone a idea(s) for making a [FS]?


Re: help need ideas - Loapswe - 30.04.2009

1.Maybe a dynamic cellphone FS like if you buy a new phone you get new number.
2.Realistic income for roleplay servers.
3.Combine both of them.

Re: help need ideas - luckie12 - 30.04.2009

Originally Posted by ▄█▀ .█▬█. █ .▀█▀
1.Maybe a dynamic cellphone FS like if you buy a new phone you get new number.
2.Realistic income for roleplay servers.
3.Combine both of them.
what do you mean with
2.Realistic income for roleplay servers.
3.Combine both of them.
