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help with a thing... - Printable Version

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help with a thing... - WardenCS - 25.04.2009

how to make u spawn with an parachute and
how to make like when u go in water u die

Re: help with a thing... - Pyrokid - 25.04.2009

This gives the player a parachute
pawn Код:

Re: help with a thing... - WardenCS - 25.04.2009

where i add it?

Re: help with a thing... - Metorea - 25.04.2009

Under OnPlayerSpawn

Re: help with a thing... - WardenCS - 25.04.2009

oh got it thx! anybody know how i can add that when u go on water u die?
and one thing to make command /desert to buy desert and money wont go to - when u dont got so much(then u cant buy)