PayDay once a day - how to? - Printable Version
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PayDay once a day - how to? -
kacperoo - 24.04.2009
I want to make PayDay once a day on my server.
It will not depend from time spent online
Hm.. How to add anyone 200$ (will be changed) at 24:00?
What's the best method that won't lag server?
Thanks for reply,
Re: PayDay once a day - how to? -
MenaceX^ - 24.04.2009
Payday once a day in 24:00?
Re: PayDay once a day - how to? -
kacperoo - 24.04.2009
Originally Posted by MenaceX^
Payday once a day in 24:00?
Yes. Once a day, at 24:00 or so.
Re: PayDay once a day - how to? -
MenaceX^ - 24.04.2009
Re: PayDay once a day - how to? -
kacperoo - 24.04.2009
Originally Posted by MenaceX^
Can you post an example ?
Re: PayDay once a day - how to? -
MenaceX^ - 24.04.2009
pawn Код:
SetTimer("Payday",1000,true);// to OnGameModeInit
forward MainTimer(); // somewhere
public MainTimer()
new hour,mins,sec;
Re: PayDay once a day - how to? -
Andom - 24.04.2009
Originally Posted by MenaceX^
pawn Код:
SetTimer("Payday",1000,true);// to OnGameModeInit forward MainTimer(); // somewhere public MainTimer() { new hour,mins,sec; gettime(hour,mins,sec); if(mins==24&&sec==00) PayDay(); }
That's not correct, should be this:
pawn Код:
SetTimer("Payday",1000,true);// to OnGameModeInit
forward MainTimer(); // somewhere
public MainTimer()
new hours, minutes, secconds;
gettime(hours, minutes, secconds);
if(hours == 0 && minutes == 0 && secconds == 0) // This would launche at 0:00, that's the same as 24:00 (but the last one is impossible)
Re: PayDay once a day - how to? -
MenaceX^ - 24.04.2009
oh ops, didn't notice.
Re: PayDay once a day - how to? -
kacperoo - 24.04.2009
Mm, thanks.
But may 1 second timer lag server?
There will be about 100 players online.
Re: PayDay once a day - how to? -
Joe Staff - 24.04.2009
No. Just realize that 1 second timer isn't always exactly 1 second. With checks you'll find out that more often than not it's like 1011 milliseconds, potentially skipping one second over time, and by some far off chance, skip your payday.