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making SA-MP client into a portable app - Printable Version

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making SA-MP client into a portable app - wolfy - 24.04.2009


this has been on my mind for a very long time now. i just never seemed to get a chance to post it.

what i am wondering, is how hard (or easy?) it would be to portablize the SA-MP client? i would like to take my game with me and play it on a few workstations at school when i often get stuck doing nothing for an hour.

this much i do know: San Andreas will run from any folder on any drive letter. It makes a GTA User Files in the machine's My Docs folder if one does not exist. No problem, as the target machine has My Docs mapped out to a Novell server. it starts up no problem on said workstation (it is deep frozen but otherwise not locked down in any way) and plays very well via a USB hard drive.

i tried placing SA-MP into my portable copy of SA, but it does not work. throws me an error message (i cannot remember what it is atm). if i install it to the computer, pointing it to my portable SA, it installs and runs just fine. until i come back tomorrow (or restart the machine).

i am guessing there are some registry keys associated with the browser that keep it from working like this? if so i would like some information on this, because i think i could just write a batch script that would add the keys, find and launch SA-MP, and auto join the server i play. since the only computers i will be running such a script on are always in a frozen state, there would be no trace

well shit this is a long post, i appologise if this puts anyone asleep


Re: making SA-MP client into a portable app - [mad]MLK - 24.04.2009

i tryed this on my school machine once wolf, it blockes the outgoing connection for the samp client on the network i just got retriveing info for everything

Re: making SA-MP client into a portable app - wolfy - 24.04.2009

Originally Posted by [mad
i tryed this on my school machine once wolf, it blockes the outgoing connection for the samp client on the network i just got retriveing info for everything
my school uses an 8E6 R3000 filtering unit

in my case, yes, the browser list will not load but the actual connection to the server will work (try adding <no ads> to your fav list ) well at least in my case

Re: making SA-MP client into a portable app - MachineHead - 24.04.2009

Well, if you install San Andreas and then install SAMP into that dir, then copy that dir to a pendrive or external HDD etc, that should work. The regisrty key only stores basic things such as player name and path to the gta_sa.exe executable. (The registry key can be found under HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Software - SAMP)

Re: making SA-MP client into a portable app - hoodline - 27.04.2009

just copy samp files you have installed on your pc and put it on a other pc with gta installed and try it

Re: making SA-MP client into a portable app - wolfy - 27.04.2009

i am going to try the registry hack tomorrow - thanks for the info

Originally Posted by hoodline
just copy samp files you have installed on your pc and put it on a other pc with gta installed and try it
already tried, requires you to install samp to the current windows install

adding back the two registry keys should fix that in an easy scripted solution

Re: making SA-MP client into a portable app - hoodline - 27.04.2009

why not just install samp and uninstall it when your finished?

Re: making SA-MP client into a portable app - Gamer_Z - 04.09.2009

use VMWARE thinapp.. it will make 2 executables .. the samp on.. and the GTA one ...(which will have about 4GB LOL).. dunno if that will work..