A difficult CMD with 8 parametres??? - Printable Version
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A difficult CMD with 8 parametres??? -
Dark_Kostas - 24.04.2009
I want to make a cmd like /addteleport which i will type
/addteleport x y z interiorX interiorY interiorZ description interiorid
and after that it will add a line on my file called teleports.cfg
like that
Can anyone help me to make that cmd?
I know that the basic code is something like, but what about all of my parameters?
pawn Код:
new File:hFile;
hFile = fopen("/files/teleports.cfg", io_append);
fwrite(hFile, string);
Re: A difficult CMD with 8 parametres??? -
Dark_Kostas - 24.04.2009
Please, anybody can help me? I really need that command. I heard that sssaf something like that is really easy, but which is the exactly name and how is it working?
Re: A difficult CMD with 8 parametres??? -
Weirdosport - 24.04.2009
Check my signature for the teleport system >.>
If you want to make your own, sscanf is the thing to use. It's listed on the wiki under "fast commands" and it's also in my script.