SA:MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.2X, ©2005-2008 SA:MP Team [13:42:08] [13:42:08] Server Plugins [13:42:08] -------------- [13:42:08] Loading plugin: sampmysql [13:42:08] /************************************************/ /* SAMP-MySQL v0.14 Plugin loaded successfully ! */ /************************************************/ [13:42:08] Loaded. [13:42:08] Loaded 1 plugins. [13:42:08] [13:42:08] Filter Scripts [13:42:08] --------------- [13:42:08] Loading filter script 'adminspec.amx'... [13:42:08] Loading filter script 'vactions.amx'... [13:42:08] Loaded 2 filter scripts. [13:42:08] Script[gamemodes/mod.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [13:42:11] --- Server Shutting Down. [13:42:11] /**************************************************/ /* SAMP-MySQL v0.14 Plugin unloaded successfully ! */ /**************************************************/
Originally Posted by JeNkStAX
It means you have a function in your GameMode that the server cannot find, AKA you have a missing plugin