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A small question - Printable Version

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A small question - Peter_Corneile - 15.04.2009

I need to know that how can i get a code in this format

(Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:Angle)

Re: A small question - Pyrokid - 15.04.2009


Re: A small question - Peter_Corneile - 15.04.2009

I mean like if we use Ingame OBject Editor then we get the code in this format

BUt i want it in this format

(Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:Angle)

Re: A small question - Weirdosport - 15.04.2009

Not sure why you'd want it in that format?

And you can't simply have Float: Angle, as there are 3 angles to consider...

Re: A small question - Peter_Corneile - 16.04.2009

Alright just tell me that how do i get those angles and other things for Security cameras

Re: A small question - Weirdosport - 16.04.2009

If you're referring to Sandra's security camera system:

AddCCTV("LS Grovestreet", 2491.7839, -1666.6194, 46.3232, 0.0);

The 4 floats there are: x,y,z,rotz

Copy the corresponding floats from your bread_oed output, and paste them in new AddCCTV lines, and it should work.

Re: A small question - Peter_Corneile - 16.04.2009

Yes i am using Sandra's and i will try it thanks a lot ...

Re: A small question - Peter_Corneile - 16.04.2009

If i put the camera in an interior will it make a problem coz i did it and it shows somewhere else lol

Re: A small question - Weirdosport - 16.04.2009

The security camera script does not seem to cater for interiors, I will suggest this to Sandra.

Re: A small question - Peter_Corneile - 16.04.2009

Yes you must do it xD... BTW when i tried it for exteriors , it worked perfectly