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Serversuggestions? - Printable Version

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Serversuggestions? - MarkusJuntunen - 15.04.2009

Im going to make a gamemode, but i cant really figure out any good one, i need some tips and ideas and if it goes well i will also release it here at forums.

Re: Serversuggestions? - Pyrokid - 15.04.2009

Don't make another roleplay mode, god knows there's already too many of them.

Re: Serversuggestions? - Weirdosport - 15.04.2009

Try the script request thread HERE.

God knows i've directed hundreds of people there who have "ideas"

Re: Serversuggestions? - StrickenKid - 15.04.2009

Originally Posted by pıʞoɹʎd
Don't make another roleplay mode, god knows there's already too many of them.
true dat.