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NEED HELP WITH NAME!!?? :O - Printable Version

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NEED HELP WITH NAME!!?? :O - Yateszi - 14.04.2009

Hey to all!

I am need of assistance with coming up with a DJ name. It has to start with "Yates", but as that's already taken I need something different, but which is easy for everyone to say.

An example could be Yatesoo, but thats rubbush, so can you think of any?

A free cookie for the one who comes up with the best.

Re: NEED HELP WITH NAME!!?? :O - Clum` - 14.04.2009

If this has anything to do with that SAMP radio thing, it should be in that topic.

If not then


Re: NEED HELP WITH NAME!!?? :O - Yateszi - 14.04.2009


I think someone would already be called "DJ Yates".

Re: NEED HELP WITH NAME!!?? :O - mave_man - 14.04.2009


Re: NEED HELP WITH NAME!!?? :O - fallen - 14.04.2009

heh my name is dj enkore =]

how bout yatesdj?

Re: NEED HELP WITH NAME!!?? :O - Fluxxy - 14.04.2009

Yatebate rofl

Re: NEED HELP WITH NAME!!?? :O - Ashley - 14.04.2009

DJ Yatsey
DJ Yatesy
Dj Yatsie

Re: NEED HELP WITH NAME!!?? :O - miokie - 14.04.2009

DJ Yatah? :P

Or DJ Setay (Reverse of Yates)

Re: NEED HELP WITH NAME!!?? :O - weedarr - 14.04.2009

Yate man
The yate

Just a few


Re: NEED HELP WITH NAME!!?? :O - Burridge - 14.04.2009

[offtopic]Why Do people post topics with the title all in caps a forum of this size will surely get looked at weather or not its in caps or not [/offtopic]

[ontopic] DJ_Yateszi, Yatesziman. just a couple [/ontopic]