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/help Command / IsAtCarshop Prob - Printable Version

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/help Command / IsAtCarshop Prob - nickbugun - 14.04.2009


if(IsAtCarshop(playerid, 0))
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/help carshop", false) == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid,blue,"[!] You are not at the Car Shop!");
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/help carshop", true) == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid,blue,"[!] Find a CarDealer, and see which vehicles he can sell you.");
return 1;

I`m having a problem, if a player isn`t at a car shop, and types /help carshop, it comes normally(you are not at carshop), but if a player enters the car shop and types that it tells him the same!

Re: /help Command / IsAtCarshop Prob - Benjo - 14.04.2009

You will have to post the IsAtCarshop method so that we can understand this

Re: /help Command / IsAtCarshop Prob - nickbugun - 14.04.2009


Re: /help Command / IsAtCarshop Prob - nickbugun - 14.04.2009
