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[Help] Questin - Printable Version

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[Help] Questin - tony_fitto - 13.04.2009

Hey i need some help.

i want this to work but i dont understand how when you press "T" the chat will come up and when you are talking i want this one to come up
OnePlayAnim(playerid,"PED","IDLE_CHAT",4.0,0,0,0,0 ,0);
how cna i do that ?

Re: [Help] Questin - tom_jonez - 13.04.2009

i dont think thats possible from what i remember.

if it is tho, itd be under OnPlayerKeystateChange. I think thats what that callback is called.

Re: [Help] Questin - GanG$Ta - 13.04.2009

its possible:
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
return true;

Re: [Help] Questin - RyDeR` - 13.04.2009

Originally Posted by DeathlyForce
its possible:
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
return true;
that's a good idea

Re: [Help] Questin - tom_jonez - 13.04.2009

he wants it to be as soon as the player hits t, this only does it when the player hits enter.

Re: [Help] Questin - GanG$Ta - 13.04.2009

i understand it wrong what he wrote, but i dont know why he wants it when he is writing after "T" a anim one time when the nobody see anything what he writes anf after he is done with writing depends on how much he wrote it will be finished?

it would make more sense when he wrote it that then the anim