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I really need help seriously. - Printable Version

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I really need help seriously. - speedruntrainer - 11.04.2009

I need help for who won the reactiontest in an amount of time and how many times a player won. I want to add it. I'm working for a week but I can't understand. please, can someone help me?
This is the code:
and for the whole script:

public ReactionWin(playerid)
  //where you start counting:
new time_start = GetTickCount();

//where you want to know time difference:
new time_diff = GetTickCount() - time_start;
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 10000);
SetTimer("SetBack",30,0); // required delay, for some reason.
new reactionwinner[256];
reactionwinnerid = playerid;
new tempstring[256];
SendClientMessage(playerid,0x247C1BFF,"You have won the reactiontest!");
format(tempstring,sizeof(tempstring),"%s has won the reactiontest!",reactionwinner);
reactiongap = SetTimer("ReactionTest",time1+random(time2),0); // sets the timer to restart ReactionTest()
return 1;
at the %s has won the reactiontest! I need a time. i need to add something to it. do you know what mean? cause it's hard to explain. I want it like this:
%s has won the reactiontest in [seconds.miliseconds]! he/she won [ammount] times before.

EDIT: warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "time_diff"

That's my time warning

Re: I really need help seriously. - speedruntrainer - 18.04.2009

OMG Pl0x HELP!!! :@

Re: I really need help seriously. - Backwardsman97 - 19.04.2009

I was messing with something like this the other day.
pawn Код:
new TimeDiff = (GetTickCount() - time_start) % 60000;
format(tempstring,sizeof(tempstring),"%s has won the reactiontest! (%d.%d)",reactionwinner,TimeDiff / 100, TimeDiff % 100);
Add in that and make that your format code.

Re: I really need help seriously. - speedruntrainer - 19.04.2009

doesn't work, or maybe im doing something wrong, it says that I won in 0.0 :O
sorry, im a noob at scripting, even im reading the wiki it doesnt help

	GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 10000);
	SetTimer("SetBack",30,0); // required delay, for some reason.
	new reactionwinner[256];
	reactionwinnerid = playerid;
	new tempstring[256];
	SendClientMessage(playerid,0x247C1BFF,"You have won the reactiontest!");
	new time_start = GetTickCount();
	new TimeDiff = (GetTickCount() - time_start) % 60000;
	format(tempstring,sizeof(tempstring),"%s has won the reactiontest in %d.%d",reactionwinner,TimeDiff / 100, TimeDiff % 100);
	reactiongap = SetTimer("ReactionTest",time1+random(time2),0); // sets the timer to restart ReactionTest()
	return 1;
I tried a lot but didnt work, and I really need it in my server

Re: I really need help seriously. - Backwardsman97 - 19.04.2009

pawn Код:
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 10000);
    SetTimer("SetBack",30,0); // required delay, for some reason.
    new reactionwinner[24] ,string[128];
    SendClientMessage(playerid,0x247C1BFF,"You have won the reactiontest!");
    new TimeDiff = (GetTickCount() - time_start) % 60000;
    format(string,128,"%s has won the reactiontest in %d.%d",reactionwinner,TimeDiff / 100, TimeDiff % 100);
    reactiongap = SetTimer("ReactionTest",time1+random(time2),0); // sets the timer to restart ReactionTest()
    return 1;
If the time part doesn't work it means you must have set time_start wrong.

Re: I really need help seriously. - speedruntrainer - 19.04.2009

still 0.0 really. this is the WHOLE script:

#include <a_samp>

#define time1 120000 //this is the 1 minute minimum gap time
#define time2 120000 // this is the 1 minute max addon time

public OnFilterScriptInit()
	print(" ReactiontestFS by tomozj");


	return 1;

public OnFilterScriptExit()
	return 1;

new reactionstr[9]; //randomly generated string
new reactioninprog; //what status the reactiontest is at
new reactionwinnerid; //id of the current reactiontest winner
new reactiongap; //timer to restart ReactionTest()

forward ReactionTest();
forward ReactionWin(playerid);
forward SetBack();

public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
	if(!strcmp(text, reactionstr, false))
		if(reactioninprog == 2) ReactionWin(playerid);
		if(reactioninprog == 1)
			if(reactionwinnerid == playerid)
			SendClientMessage(playerid,0x247C1BFF,"You've already won!");
			SendClientMessage(playerid,0x247C1BFF,"You are too slow!");
		return 1;

	return 1;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0; // if player isn't admin, ignore cmds

	if (strcmp("/test", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
		return 1;

	if (strcmp("/output reactionstr", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
	  new tmp[256];
		format(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"'reactionstr' output: %d",reactionstr);
	  return 1;
	return 0;

public ReactionTest()
	reactionstr = "";
	new str[256];
	new random_set[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; // the set of characters used for the generation of the string
 	for (new i = 0; i < 8; i++)
  reactionstr[i] = random_set[random(sizeof(random_set))];
	reactioninprog = 2;
	format(str,sizeof(str),"** First one to type %s wins $10,000!",reactionstr); // announcement

public ReactionWin(playerid)

new time_start = GetTickCount();

//where you want to know time difference:

GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 10000);
SetTimer("SetBack",30,0); // required delay, for some reason.
new reactionwinner[24] ,string[128];
SendClientMessage(playerid,0x247C1BFF,"You have won the reactiontest!");
new TimeDiff = (GetTickCount() - time_start) % 60000;
format(string,128,"%s has won the reactiontest in %d.%d!",reactionwinner,TimeDiff / 100, TimeDiff % 100);
reactiongap = SetTimer("ReactionTest",time1+random(time2),0); // sets the timer to restart ReactionTest()
return 1;

public SetBack()

	reactioninprog = 1;