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New scripter would like some help :) - Printable Version

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New scripter would like some help :) - XziPer2007 - 07.04.2009

Hi there

I'm new on scripting, and wondering if some1 would like to help me whit these things

Maybe like you see, i wanna do my own RPG script from scratch

Maybe look much, and it's gonna be hard for me to get it like i want, but i'm not giving up, and i'm fast on learning, so i dont think it's gonna be a problem

Edit! Anyone know where i can get a tutorial whit Login system?


Re: New scripter would like some help :) - Rks25 - 07.04.2009

There are scripts in showroom. Go and take a look, if you like them. Study them, and try to make own.

Re: New scripter would like some help :) - XziPer2007 - 07.04.2009

i do that, but no one knows any tutorials or something about this?

Re: New scripter would like some help :) - Rks25 - 07.04.2009

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